Note, the expiration dates are dates I see in the system, often they print with different dates, so remember your mileage may vary.
Today's New Coupons:
$1.00 off 2 HORMEL REV Wraps (Expires 11/18/14)
$0.50 off HORMEL REV a.m. Wrap (Expires 11/18/14)
$2.00 off ARM & HAMMER™ Clump & Seal™ Cat Litter (Expires 11/30/14)
$1.00 off any ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER™ Cat Litter (Expires 11/30/14)
$5.00 off HEROES TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS Toy (Expires 11/01/14)
$5.00 off Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven (Expires 11/01/14)
$3.00 off (2) two Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven refills (Expires 11/01/14)
$5.00 off Furreal Friends Get Up & GoGo Walkin Pup (Expires 11/01/14)
$1.00 off any ONE Krusteaz Gluten Free Product (Expires 01/31/15)
So, most printable coupons have two dates, an expiration date which is the same as paper coupons, and a "shut off" date, which is when it is no longer available online. Usually those two dates are not the same, although once in a rare occasion they are. But here I give you coupons that will not last seven days. This is a rolling list, so as I keep up with it, an item *can* be around for up to 6 days before they disappear. If you use any of these products, I would grab them while you still can.
Coupons That Won't Be Around Seven Days from Now:
$2.00 off ONE Clearblue Ovulation Test (Expires 10/31/14)
$2.00 off ONE Braun product (Expires 10/31/14)
$2.00 off Gillette Clinical Anti-perspirant (Expires 11/30/14)
$0.50 off ONE Pepto-Bismol™ product (Expires 10/31/14)
$0.25 off ONE (1) Mardi Gras Napkin package (Expires 12/31/14)
$1.00 off ONE Olay Facial Cleanser or Moisturizer (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off OxiClean Extreme Power Crystal Detergent (Expires 11/08/14)
$2.00 off ONE Dreft Detergent (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off ONE Crest BE Toothpaste 4.5 oz (Expires 11/30/14)
$0.75 off ONE Gillette Body Wash (Expires 10/31/14)
$2.25 off ONE package of PULL-UPS Training Pants (Expires 01/14/15)
$1.00 off ONE Herbal Essences Styling Aid (Expires 11/30/14)
$0.50 off ONE Mr. Clean Muscle, Liquid or Spray (Expires 10/31/14)
$0.25 off ONE Bounty Napkins (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off any ONE (1) OxiClean™ Laundry Detergent (Expires 11/28/14)
$0.40 off THREE Campbell's Spaghetti0s pastas (Expires 12/12/14)
$1.00 off Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice Drink (Expires 12/31/14)
$0.50 off ONE Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off ONE Herbal Essences Body Wash (Expires 10/31/14)
$0.50 off ONE Gain Fabric Enhancer, Dryer sheets (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off Gain Laundry Detergent (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off ONE Old Spice Antiperspirant/Deodorant (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off ONE Old Spice Body Wash (Expires 10/31/14)
$2.00 off ONE Tide PODS 31 ct or larger (Expires 10/31/14)
$2.00 off ONE Pantene Styling Product (Expires 10/31/14)
$0.50 off ONE Bounce product (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off Herbal Essences Shampoo or Conditioner (Expires 11/30/14)
$0.75 off ONE Febreze product (Expires 10/31/14)
$0.50 off ONE Downy Product (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.50 off any Colgate Enamel Health™ Toothpaste (Expires 11/15/14)
$0.75 off ONE Tide Detergent 40oz or larger (Expires 10/31/14)
$1.00 off any THREE Kellogg's Cereals (Expires 11/12/14)
$4.00 off Pantene Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler (Expires 10/31/14)
Here are the coupons that disappeared since yesterday, were around for less than 10 days, but didn't make it to their shutoff date. If one of your favorite products is on this list, you'll know to grab these coupons next time you see them.
Coupons That Went Fast:
- $0.75 off 2 Betty Crocker Frosting or Cake Mix - 4 Days
Have a great Sunday and may the deals be with you!
If you see any freebies or Moneymakers I missed, please let me know.
Disclaimer: Links on this site may be affiliate links. Usage of them is appreciated by me and my family.
If you see any freebies or Moneymakers I missed, please let me know.
Disclaimer: Links on this site may be affiliate links. Usage of them is appreciated by me and my family.
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